Musk and Trump’s fight for free speech against the “Chineseisation” of the West

In a world where the Web allows instant dissemination of ideas and information, freedom of speech should be an inviolable principle, guaranteed to every individual without exception. Yet, we are faced with a disturbing paradox: In Europe itself, the cradle of democracy and human rights, censorship is being implemented that seriously jeopardizes this fundamental right. […]

Manuel Bortuzzo is our Person of the Year

Authentic and therefore bright, like a mirror capable of externally reflecting one’s inner beauty, making it a gift to this mad world where emptiness has taken the place of substance, selfishness has replaced common sense and social networks have suppressed much of our desire to be together. Athlete, friend, boyfriend, son, boy. This is Manuel […]

With Orwell at Las Vegas CES 2020

Orwell is among the few Italian Startups selected both by Italian Trade Agency and Eureka Park. The largest and most influential technological event in the world. This is the CES (acronym for Consumer Electronics Show, ed) of Las Vegas, the real test for innovative technologies and global innovators. Here top brands do business and meet […]

The Trump Method

What do Trump and Totti have in common? As a matter of facts, nothing. All the more reasons, as a romanist and a Totti fan, I know well that for many people this comparison will border on blasphemy, but still. Remember the “I purged you again” that the Captain turned to Lazio fans after winning […]

Censorship: Facebook launches the Surveillance Commission

1 – The Ministry of Truth may request that the Party to provide information reasonably needed for deliberations in a timely and transparent way; 2 – The Ministry of Truth will have to interpret the Party Community Standards and other relevant policies (collectively referred to as “content policies”) in light of the articulated values of […]