The Report on Trump vs. Harris: a crucial challenge for the West

With 35 days to go before the U.S. presidential election, it is clear that this round of elections will represent more than just a change of leadership. It is an ideological, cultural and geopolitical challenge that will determine the future not only of the United States, but of the entire West. In my latest report, Trump vs Harris: a crucial challenge for the entire West, I aimed to analyze in depth the opposing visions of the two candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, exploring the political and social implications of this electoral battle.

Donald Trump returns to the political scene with a new energy and a steadfast determination to “not give up,” positioning himself as the symbol of resistance against the globalist establishment. Despite the continued criticism and accusations against him, the former president remains a figurehead for millions of Americans who see in him the only real alternative to a corrupt system manipulated by elites. His rhetoric is aimed at mobilizing the country toward a rebirth based on traditional values, America First and the fight against woke ideology and cancel culture.

In my book Never Surrender: The real Donald Trump I explore these aspects of his persona, revealing why, despite the difficulties, Trump is still able to catalyze such broad support. This analysis is also reflected in Trump’s communication, which I describe in the report as one of his main strengths. Trump is consistent between words and actions, and his motto “never surrender” is perfectly reflected in his ability to overcome crisis and adversity, fueling the perception of an indomitable leader.

On the other side of the competition is Kamala Harris, current vice president, who has to manage the burden of a struggling administration and a fragmented public image. Harris often appears divided among different factions of Democrats, and her communication reflects this tension. In the report, I describe her as a figure who struggles to find a clear positioning, oscillating between trying to please the progressive wing and trying not to alienate moderates. This lack of consistency, combined with leadership perceived as contrived and lacking authenticity, has ended up alienating a significant portion of her electorate, complicating her ability to establish herself as a solid leader. His reliance on teleprompters and difficulty communicating spontaneously are elements that further undermine his credibility, especially in contrast to Trump’s direct and often provocative approach.

A central theme of the report concerns the role of Big Tech in shaping public debate. Algorithm manipulation and preemptive censorship have become tools of power to steer public opinion in a direction favorable to woke ideology. The case of Hunter Biden‘s laptop , referred to in 2020 as “Russian disinformation” by Joe Biden during a presidential debate and later revealed as a factual element in the charges against Hunter, is just one of many examples of how digital platforms have helped manipulate information. The “Twitter Files,” made public by Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg‘s recent letter revealed government pressure on Twitter and Facebook to suppress inconvenient news, a phenomenon that demonstrates how information control is becoming an increasingly pervasive political weapon.

Finally, in the report I explore the international implications of a Trump victory, with particular reference to the prospect of a conservative alliance with Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister and leader of Fratelli d’Italia. The synergy between Trump and Meloni could strengthen the conservative front in Europe, offering an alternative to the globalist model promoted by the European Union. Both leaders share a vision based on national sovereignty and the defense of traditional values, and their collaboration could have a significant impact on international policies, especially on issues such as immigration, defense and the economy.

The upcoming November 5 elections represent a choice between two radically different visions of America and its role in the world. On the one hand, the return to assertive patriotism and national sovereignty championed by Trump; on the other, the progressivism and globalism of Kamala Harris. This election round is a real crossroads for the West, and the outcome will have profound repercussions, affecting the future of democracy and international relations.

Through this report, I offer a key to understanding not only what is at stake in these elections, but also the cultural and ideological forces that are redefining the contemporary political landscape.

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